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Clubs can choose from one of four packages, tailored to deliver the KPIs that meet their unique requirements. All packages included the Membership KPIs so that clubs can start using member data to make better business decisions.


View Financial Revenue and Expense totals compared to budget and to previous years in user friendly graphs


+ Financials

The essential set of KPIs engineered to provide you with early warning signs of at-risk members, club usage by member, membership demographics and more.

Bookings & Reservations

Membership + Financials

Membership KPIs plus the precise metrics you need to monitor bookings at your club. Dining, golf, tennis and other reservations can be filtered by hour, day, month or by member status, court type, and dining venue facility.

Food & Beverage

Membership + Financials

Membership KPIs plus F&B metrics that will provide the proof you need to make better menu decisions. Determine what are the most popular items on your menu, the bottom selling items and see purchase trends over time to predict what should be a menu mainstay or possibly removed.


Membership + Bookings & Reservations + Food & Beverage + Financials

Everything MetricsFirst has to offer is included in the Complete package. In addition to the KPIs outlined above, you will also have the option to integrate Google Analytics for web stats and create custom dashboards for staff, committee or board members that show a limited set of metrics.

Our Most Popular KPIs




Bookings & Reservations

Food & Beverage


  Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Budget by Department
Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Budget by Department
  Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Budget by Department
  Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Budget by Type (Payroll, COGS, Operating Expenses)
Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Budget by Type (Payroll, COGS, Operating Expenses)
  Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Budget by Type (Payroll, COGS, Operating Expenses)
  Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Prior Year by Department
Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Prior Year by Department
  Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Prior Year by Department
  Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Prior Year by Department
Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Prior Year by Department
  Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Prior Year by Department
  Members at Risk
Members at Risk  
  Our industry exclusive Member Risk Widget was developed with collaboration with GGA Partners. Using analysis of five key metrics, it provides a simple 1 - 5 Risk Score for each member at your club, indicating the likelihood of membership attrition on an individual basis.
  Member Grid
Member Grid  
  View all members and their individual activity at the club. Sortable by different filters such as tenure, age, member category, and status.
  Member Churn
Member Churn  
  This dashboard is intended to give you insight into membership turnover at your club. It will show you the quantity of members resigning from the club verses the quantity of new members that you are acquiring each year.
  Member Life Cycle
Member Life Cycle  
  Our Life Cycle dashboard is intended to give you insight into your membership age demographics. This will help you better understand at what age do most members join, how long they remain, and where your current membership sits in relation to these data points.
  Tee Time Rounds by Hour, Day, Month
Tee Time Rounds by Hour, Day, Month      
  Determine which hour of the day, day of the week, or month of the year is receiving the most or fewest tee time booking.
  Courts Booked by Hour, Day, Month
Courts Booked by Hour, Day, Month      
  Determine which member categories are keeping your courts busy, and when.
  Covers by Dining Facility
Covers by Dining Facility      
  Easily monitor covers at all of your dining facilities throughout the club.
  Reservation Time Break Up
Reservation Time Break Up      
  This dining reservations widget provides the number of bookings by hour for the year-to-date, revealing when your dining venues are most often reserved.
  Food & Beverage by Category
Food & Beverage by Category    
  Drill down by F&B category to see reveal which sales categories are generating the highest and lowest revenues, by percentage and dollar amount.
  Food & Beverage by Items
Food & Beverage by Items    
  Drill down by F&B item to reveal which sales items are generating the highest and lowest revenues, by percentage and dollar amount.

Full KPI Listing




Monthly & YTD Expenses by Department, Monthly & YTD Expenses by Type (Payroll, COGS, Operating Expenses), Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Budget by Department, Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Budget by Type (Payroll, COGS, Operating Expenses), Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Prior Year by Department, Monthly & YTD Expenses - Variance from Prior Year by Type (Payroll, COGS, Operating Expenses), Monthly & YTD Revenue by Department, Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Budget by Department, Monthly & YTD Revenue - Variance from Prior Year by Department, MTD Expenses by Department, MTD Expenses by Type (Payroll, COGS, Operating Expenses), MTD Revenue by Department, Daily Revenue, Daily Revenue - Cumulative, MTD Revenue by Days of the Week




Accounts Receivable, Accounts Receivable Percent, Accounts Receivable This Month, Acquisition Percentage , Age Demographic, Aging Account Receivables, All Primary Members (Detailed Grid), Annual Sales, Attrition Percentage, Average Age, Average Age Of New Members, Average Age Of Resigned Members, Average Club Visits Per Membership, Average Membership Lifecycle, Average Membership Tenure, Average Monthly Sales By Member Type (Detailed Grid), Club Calendar Today, Data As Of, Deceased Members, Dining Prospects From Tee Time Reservations, Discretional Spend Per Visit, Expected At The Club Today, F&B Spend Per Visit, Gender (% of Total Membership), Generational Mix, Individual Member - Accounts Receivable, Individual Member - Accounts Receivable Aging, Individual Member - Details, Individual Member - Dining Bookings, Individual Member - Email, Individual Member - Email Status Summary, Individual Member - Guest Rooms, Individual Member - Member Payments, Individual Member - Membership Type Changes, Individual Member - Monthly Spending, Individual Member - Performance Center Detail, Individual Member - Performance Center Staff, Individual Member - Performance Center Summary, Individual Member - Player Network - Top 20, Individual Member - Relative Standing, Individual Member - Social Interactions, Individual Member - Social Network Interactions, Individual Member - Spending Category, Individual Member - Spending Groups - Year Over Year Comparison, Individual Member - Spending Items, Individual Member - Tee Time Reservations, Individual Member - Tee Times By Day Of Week, Individual Member - Tee Times By Hour & Minute, Individual Member - Tee Times Transport, Member Count - Age 30 - 40, Member Grid - Last 12 Months, Member List (Detailed Grid), Member Payment History, Member Risk Profile, Member Spending (Detailed Grid), Member Spending (Mandatory vs. Total), Member Spending History, Member's Social Interactions (Last 12 Months), Members To Meet, Members With Aging Account Receivables, Membership Count - Member List, Membership Count Over Time, Membership Type Transitions, Membership Types, Membership Types With Counts, Membership Types with Dependants, Merchandise Sales, Month To Date Sales, Monthly Sales, Monthly To Date Sales, Net Change In Membership Count, Net Change In Membership Percentage, New Member Count, New Members, New vs. Resigned Members, Notes, Reservations, Resigned Member Count , Resigned Members, Risk Module (Last 12 Months), Sales Item History, Spending By Location, Spending By Sales Category, Spending By Sales Item, Today's Bookings By Hour, Top Discretional Spenders, Top Discretional Spenders Excluding Banquets, Total Club Visits, Total Memberships, Voluntary Attrition, Year To Date Sales


Bookings & Reservations

Membership + Financials

Bookings & Reservations

Membership + Financials

All Room Reservations, Average Monthly Rounds Per Member, Court Booking Details, Court Bookings By Day (Chart), Court Bookings By Day (Heatmap), Court Bookings By Month, Court Bookings By Type, Covers By Dining Facility, Dining Prospects From Tee Times, Dining Reservation Details, Dining Reservation History (Reservations vs. Covers), Dining Reservations By Facility, Events With Member Registrations, F&B Metrics For Yesterday, Fitness Bookings, Guest Room Related Spending Items, Guest Room Reservations (Annual Heatmap), Lesson Bookings, Registration Cancellation Rate, Registration Confirmation, Registration Covers By Membership Type, Registration Details, Reservation Covers By Membership Type, Reservation Time Breakup, Room Type Percentage, Spe Bookings, Tee Time Reservations (Heatmap), Tee Time Rounds By Course, Tee Time Rounds By Day, Tee Time Rounds By Hour


Food & Beverage

Membership + Financials

Food & Beverage

Membership + Financials

Banquet Spending, Dining Room Spending By Outlet, F&B Annual Sales, F&B Month To Date Sales, F&B Monthly Sales, F&B Sales Category Spending (% of Total), F&B Sales Items (% of Total), F&B Spending, F&B Spending By Membership Type, F&B Spending By Outlet, F&B Spending By Sales Category (Detailed Grid), F&B Spending By Sales Item (Detailed Grid), F&B Sqles Item History, F&B Year To Date Sales, Members With F&B Spending, Point of Sale Covers By Outlet



Membership + Bookings & Reservations + Food & Beverage


Membership + Bookings & Reservations + Food & Beverage + Financials

Club Website - Browser - Last 7 Days, Club Website - Mobile Devices - Last 7 Days, Club Website - Operating System - Last 7 Days, Club Website - Page Hits - Last 7 Days, Club Website - Page Stats - Last 7 Days, Club Website - Traffic Map - Last 7 Days, Club Website - Traffic Source - Last 7 Days, Club Website - Type Of Device - Last 7 Days, Club Website - unique Page Views - Last 7 Days, Club Website Visits - Last 7 Days, Current Staff Count, Department Totals, Failed Emails, Failure Reasons (Pie Chart), Gross Monthly Payroll By Department, Gross Payroll Accumulated By Week, Mail Groups, Mail Sent Time vs. Read Rates, Mail Status, Mail Subject, Payroll Salary vs. Hourly, Payroll Totals, Percentage Of Member Spending, Recipients By Month, Recipients By Year, Shared Emails, Staff Count By Department, Tweets (Text Feed)


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